Thursday, August 28, 2014


Comments after watching a video stating that man needs myths to answer the great questions of life.  Man needs to have more out of life than just birth, life, and death.

Here was my reply

This video would be funny if it were not so sad.  Throughout the video, we are presented with man's timeless need for more than birth, life, and death.  Again, we see the evidence and the argument for things eternal even though it is given as myth.  This perspective of myth is itself a myth.  The denial of God's existence in light of the empirical evidence demonstrates once again that faith is a choice.  One can choose to accept the evidence at face value and believe that the universe was created by design, or one can choose to presume a forgone conclusion that "...there is no God" (Psalm 53:1 Authorized Version) and then explain away the evidence.  So what belief is so strong that a man will hold to it though it cost him his life?  For 2000 years, Christians have been forced to choose to turn from their faith or choose to be put to death.  John Foxe's Book of Martyrs lists only a small percentage of all the multiple thousands who have elected death over denying their Saviour.  Around the world, everyday, believers suffer for their faith.  I dare say that they have offered additional evidence of what has been repeatedly and erroneously touted as myth throughout this course.  I have an additional solace knowing that the time will come when all doubts will be removed as we meet our Maker.

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