Sunday, May 29, 2016

Choice Cut

Hi Folks,
What I really wanted to do this morning was tweet my thought.  Not too sure if it would fit in a tweet, so here we are.

The butcher cuts up pieces of meat for customers.
Cow yields choice beef
Pig yields choice pork
Sheep yields choice mutton
Human yields choice choice

any questions?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Stare

Yeah, I've thought this before, but don't think I ever said anything...
I think I know why people stare out the window...
It's when they go to another place and another time...
Quite a long journey that calls them back
And they stare because they are there
and not here...

Might post this on my other blog too..

Monday, May 16, 2016

I can't believe

I can't believe that I'm saying this, but the fact remains that it is contrary to our faith and liberty for the enforcement of prayer and the Bible in Public Schools.  In Summary, matters of faith must be at the discretion of the individual and not pressed upon them by a government agency.  While it is true that such practice played a great role in the lives of young people of our land, The ultimate responsibility of sacred instruction lies solely on the parents, according to the scriptures.  The conclusion is that Parents bear the blame for the state of our Nation.  I will not elaborate further this point at present (I gotta get to work...)

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Church of A.A.

For now, I will spare you the details except to say that Peggy Walls, my professor of Eng491 Am Lit to 1860 and her prejudicial treatment prompted me to write this post with the church of American Academia in mind:

William Bradford’s works provide us with the primary record of the immigrants whom we call today, the Pilgrims (Desperate, 2006).  Baym (2012) identifies the Pilgrims as a “community of believers”.  Bradford was part of this community for many years before their voyage to America (Desperate, 2006).  The Pilgrims worshiped independent of the Church of England which was illegal, but they believed it was their duty to God to worship Him in accordance to the scripture and dictates of their conscience (Desperate, 2006).  Bradford himself describes how the Church of England oppressed him and his fellow believers with “offices and callings… [that were] unlawful and anti-Christian” (Baym, 2012. p.122).  The Pilgrims hazarded their lives in search of religious liberty rather than remain under the persecution of England.

Baym, N. (Gen. ed.). (2012). The Norton anthology of American literature (8th ed., Vol. A). New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
Desperate crossing: Untold story of the Mayflower [Video file]. (2006). In Films On Demand. Retrieved May 9, 2016, from

Saturday, May 7, 2016

What a privilege

I don't even know if I will take the time to address this topic.  I'm sure it's already been refuted.  For now, I will only say, 'Give me a break'!  So ridiculous, the next thing on the docket is genocide on whitey.  There is so much more I could say, but I have better ways to spend my time.