Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trunkie Junkie

Last week was 'halloween'.  I have not taken part since I was a kid.  Occasionally, the topic and question come up, 'why?'  I understand that there are many community churches that offer a 'fall festival' or 'trunk or treat' as an alternative.

Why the alternative?  Why not jump right in?  Maybe I'm being lazy by writing a post about it, or maybe I would like an answer that I do not have to try to remember verbatim whenever the question comes up.  My attempt here is to simply offer some info I have found with a few internet searches that should be self explanatory.  I do not intend to go into to much depth with this answer, but enough for folks to have an answer that makes sense even if they don't agree... 
Just some links, that's all..

Those who find it significant

Interview with a 'witch'

A final note:  The connection to 'evil', 'death', and 'fear' is really all I need for a reason to avoid this tradition.