Monday, July 18, 2016

The life that changes

Life changing moments are happening all around us every minute of every day.  I was just thinking on our way back from Florida of how youth can't truly know elegy, but I'm not so sure now.  One reason I write, one reason I teach, and everything else is to make some kind of difference for one more.  I think of the starfish story and the man who walked along the beach picking up starfish and throwing them in the water.  A passerby commented that he can't possibly make a difference with all the starfish washing up around the world.  His reply as he picked up another was, "it makes a difference to that one..."  It might be that the life that changes might be yours. 

1 comment:

  1. Very timely...
    Just watched the movie October Baby...
    and saw this web site...
    very timely... and fitting:
